jeffs Rulon: 19 wives 60 children
In an attempt to find the most common characteristics between the three main religions:Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, Polygamy comes on top of the list. The history of the most favored men by God such as Solomon, Abraham, and Mohammed proves that all these people have married more than twice. Hence, what president of Cameroon, for instance, did when he legalized the right of man to have as many wives as he desires should not be considered wrong. Similarly, when Rulon Jeffs built a whole camp of polygamy in North America as he married about 19 women in name of God’s order should not be punished for that.
How ridiculous!!! How offensive to justify big mistakes within the means of religion, culture, or law. First, these people who use religion to legalize or even impose polygamy would better make sure if it is really God’s desire. Simply, when father Adam was created there was one Eden with him not many. Further, even if this practice was really allowed by God, it was usually restrained by certain circumstances. In Islam for example, a man can marry four wives. Yet, it is only when he is able to treat them equally. Do you think that there is one human being on this earth who is totally fair person? Personally I doubt, except of God. As for those who justify polygamy in the name of traditions such as in many countries of middle and Southern Africa, it is important for them to know that even traditions change and are open to new values. Women additionally are vital parts of life. So, imagine one day, the entire women of the world rebel against marriage even to one man, can you support that, you man who advocates polygamy? Again, I doubt. So, damn to these tradition where women are subjugated to this sort of hooliganism! Yes that is how we should describe polygamy: A type of moral, social and cultural violence against the rights and the dignity of woman.
The truth is that polygamy is neither legal nor legitimate because God is just and the traditions are always wise. In short, polygamy is just a system generated of the man’s selfishness, sexual companionship, and “ animalism”. Stop this crazy erroneous practice please!!!
The truth is that polygamy is neither legal nor legitimate because God is just and the traditions are always wise. In short, polygamy is just a system generated of the man’s selfishness, sexual companionship, and “ animalism”. Stop this crazy erroneous practice please!!!