Thursday, May 29, 2008

Funny Philosophy of Food: Vegetarianism

The day was May 28th at ESL Instruction and Consulting. I was taking the phrasal verb class. It happened that the first example we started with is the verb “Abstain from”. It also happened that I was the first to use a sentence with that verb: “ I abstained from eating meat because I want to become vegetarian”. Actually, it was not true because I have never thought to be a vegan. But I don’t know why as soon as I finished the class, I ran to write about this new phenomenon. It is amazing how many articles and studies did I found about vegetarianism tremendous number of opinions ranging between pro’s and con’s opinions range between pro’s and Con’s. People who endorse vegetarianism view it is an authentic healthy way to help live longer life, avoid bone loss. And control blood sugar for diabetes. On the other hand, those who are against argue that vegetarianism may cause a deficiency in vitamin B12, which does not exist but in animals. Some other vegetarians also justify their meatless tendencies by religious or environmental advocation.

I think that vegetarianism is a sort of exaggeration or ostentatious model of diet. There must be also a false understanding to what being healthy, environmentalist, or religious mean exactly. Indeed, talking about natural equilibrium including health, environment or religion necessitates to try from each kind of food either meat, vegetable, or fruit a bit. Consequently, I don’t see a strong conclusive reason to be a vegetarian. Similarly, it would be also unwise to eat meat or any other kind of fat daily. I can see one simple response for all the pro-earth, pro-religion, or medical arguments for vegetarianism. All what is required indeed, is to avoid junk food such as humbuggers, pizza, or French fries and to try to diversify the daily menu, to avoid eating when one is not hungry, and not to be a gourmand when sitting on the table.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

One Standard Language is Sufficient

Although little was said about it, the issue, which language should be official and which one should not is as critical as any other issue related to the notions of identity, supremacy, and prestige. Few years ago, there was an appeal int the United States of America to introduce an African-American vernacular called Ebonics as an official language that should be taught at school. Amharic was the language of primary school instruction in Etyopia, but has been replaced in many areas by local languages such as Oromifa and Tigrinya as a consequence of so many demands and rebellions. Smilarly, in Algeria there is a continuous debate about using Berber as a national and official language.
Regarding these three examples, it may seem an absolute legitimacy to look for nationalizing one language for the protection of one’s cultural richness and identity. However, it would be more favorable to have one standard language for the sake of the union of the nation. It is commonplace that any kind of diversity including languages is invariably a sign of separateness and misunderstanding. It might be discriminatory to forbid people from speaking their vernacular language in every day life like what happened once in Algeria as Berber speakers were punished if they were heard using this language. Nevertheless, it would be irrational to call for nationalizing or “officializing” a small minority spoken language when the official most used language can be very expressive and sufficient for all administrative or academic need. Because Arabic, American English, or Amharic are spoken by the majority as well as they are more practical languages in everyday life, it would be logical to take them as official languages without imposing any sort of harassment or disrespect on the rest of languages spoken in one country.
It is important to add that language supremacy is not related to the political power of its nation or speakers but to the amount of its use. China, for instance is a quite powerful political country. However, hardly could we speak about Chinese language supremacy in comparison to Spanish, English, or Arabic. The linguist Max Weinreich once said that a language is a dialect with an army and a navy. I would refer to the army by the number of speakers of a language and the navy by its practicality and prestige. Accordingly, the fight for Ebonics, for example, to become an official language world be unjustifiable since American English is more used by people inside and outside the nation and more practical in everyday business.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Same Sex Marriage: Not a Controversy 2008may20,0,1047569.story?vote38891433=1

It was not a shocking or typical event when few days ago (May 15th, 2008), the California Supreme Court overturned the ban of gays’ marriage. The 4-3 ruling declared that the state Constitution protects a fundamental “right to marry” that extends equally to same-sex couples. Indeed, the issue has its history since it started for more than 15 years ago when the Hawaii Supreme Court decided the restriction of marriage to opposite-sex couples would be unconstitutional unless the state could prove that it offenses one of the states’ interests. Few years later, 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to open civil marriage to same-sex couples, then Belgium, Canada, and Spain followed the legislature to include 27 states of the United Sates of America. Hence, the issue became controversy and each time a new country or a state endorses the amazing law, it adds fuel to the debate. But, does the issue deserve to be a controversy?

Is that true that there is no logic to cope with this issue once for all? Let’s see this: “Gay people deserve the same right to marry that everybody else does. And God cares about our relationships the same way God cares about heterosexual relationships. We're making the same commitments to each other. We have the same responsibilities to each other, and we deserve the same rights and responsibilities under the law that everyone else has." Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign. Here it is another argument on the side of same –sex marriage: "Because marriage is a basic human right and an individual personal choice, RESOLVED, the State should not interfere with same-gender couples who choose to marry and share fully an equally in the rights, responsibilities, and commitment of civil marriage." The Marriage Resolution, by the Marriage Project of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. On the other hand, opponents object as marriage is an institution between one man and one woman, same –sex couples aren’t’ the optimum environment in which to raise children, gay relationships are immoral and marriages are for procreation ad ensuring the continuation of the species.

It is sometimes challenging to understand why an already resolved issue like this is a controversy. Same-sex marriage seems proposing a redefinition not only for marriage but for life in a whole. Life has been always generated from the existence of dualities: Man Vs woman, virtue Vs vice, love Vs hatred, coldness Vs heat, black Vs white and so on and so forth. Hence, what’s this definition since the answer is simple, clear, neat, and unique for such an issue: As long as there is no life there should be no law advocating the destruction of life. If we review the three principles of the American constitution: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is important to notice that individuals’ freedom is classified after the life. To say it differently, even tolerance should be intolerant when the bet is on human life.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Saggy Baggy!!!

It was my first day at Georgia State University, in the plaza place. It was empty except of some staff. I was sitting in front of the general classrooms watching the buildings of the university and picking acquantance to the place. Suddenly, I turned my face with a shocking scream. The guy was in hurry and his pants almost down his knees!!! Then, on the first day of the session, at the cafeteria of the university, I even saw girls in low-off jeans. Oh my Gush!! Why people are not ashamed of showing their underwears? It is the phenomenon of saggy or baggy jeans! While some people view it like a freedom of expression, others see it like a fashion, and for the African-American community, it becomes a cultural characteristic. Therefore, when a law was passed, in Atlanta, banning the exposure of undergarments basically in public places, many people took it for “a racial profiling” said Benetta Sandly of the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia.
It sounds extremely strange to associate saggy jeans banning with racism or freedom of expression. Indeed, not only black but also a lot of white teens wear their pants this way. Moreover, it is not a real daring libertine behavior to show up in the job office, at school, or in some public places with your underwears exposed to everybody?! Additionally, what culture one may talk about if is commonly known that the origins of baggy pants refer back to the U.S.A jail system, when prisoners were obliged to take off their belts?!

In light of this analysis I would join my voice to Atlanata’s counciller when he compared the phenomenon to an “epidemic” that should be banned from the learning institutions and job places. I would not agree with some people who suggest to treat saggy or baggy jeans like a crime and to panelize those who endorse it with jail. However, it is important to pass some rules and disciplines in job places and schools to forbid this way of dressing. I also think that there would be no exaggeration to consider low-legged jeans a kind of violation of the dignity and the respect of the schools and the job administrations. Though every one is free to dress the way he wants, he should bear in mind that not all the society where he or she lives agree to see his backside. To say it differently, everyone should be aware that his freedom stops when the freedom of the other starts. I would not consider the people who bolster the fashion of exposing underwears law -biding, yet, saggy jeans should not be allowed everywhere. To wrap up, baggy jeans are sometimes good sometimes bad but there must be sufficient awareness of that.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ready for Natural Surprises??

Nature is full of surprises. Earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, droughts, tornadoes, volcanic explosions, and a variety of other disasters may take place at any moment without a previous warning. During the first two weeks of May, 2008 nature seemed like in a rage in so many parts of Asian and American countries. History again, is going to record the catastrophic earthquake of China May 12th, as thousands and thousands of people are killed, lost, and injured. Myanmar’s cyclone, on May 2nd, is another example of natural calamity. The United Nations estimates the actual death toll from the storm could be between 62,000 and 100,000. Certainly, humanity will never forget the Tsunami of Indonesia, the 240, 000 people who were killed, and the massive damages, which seems to be everlasting in that part of the world.

"We fear a second catastrophe (in Myanmar) unless we're able to put in place quickly a maximum of aid and a major logistical effort comparable with the response to the (2004) tsunami," said Elisabeth Byres of the U.N. Office for Humanitarian Affairs. In light of this saying, we may wonder how far can governments face these calamities.
It is hard to circumspect the natural disasters, that is true. Yet, it is not always hard to be prepared for them. It would be wrong to rely on the international aids only. Indeed, hindrances because of the weather or because of some political barriers may sometimes delay the arrival of food, medicines , and rescues on time. Therefore, governments should plan to save a part of their national budgets for such surprises. It is important to remember the wisdom that the famous fairy tale of the ant and the grasshopper taught us when we think about such circumstances. At this level of analysis, we might appreciate the Chinese government's efforts, perseverance, and bravery in dealing with the earthquake of may 12th. Despite the massive destruction and the loss caused by the catastrophe, Chinese government continues to reassure the world that they are ready with the response as well as they are usually willing to host the Olympic games in August. In sum, the power of nature is really strong. Yet, it is possible to appease it if governments knew how to be prepared for it from before.

poverty around the world is not the responsibility of the world, it is yours!

According to an online article published by Anup Shah (last updated on march 04th, 2008) on the causes of poverty, the number of people who entered the 21st century unable to read a book goes up to nearly a billion. On the other side, less than 1% of what the world spend every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year. Only when we read or we know about these numbers that we could realize how shocking and paradoxical the situation is. Actually,this is the way in which money is disturbed and poverty is spread. Yet, what makes it that way? Why 4,000 children are killed everyday by diarrhea, or a disease caught from dirty water? Why 1,400 women die needlessly in pregnancy or childbirth? Why 115 million school-age, most of them girls do not go to school?( Philip Thornton, 2206). It is really a scandal, which causes are known but camouflaged. Indeed, if it is not because of the corruption of some politics, if it is not because of undemocratic economy, if it is not because of human rights violation, the 2,500 school children would not have trooped in October 16, 2007 in the Ecole du Centre, a primary school in Yaounde in Cameroon, one of the most affected sub Saharan countries suffering from poverty, calling the government to tackle inequalities , to be much more fair and just, and to fight corruption so that they can cope with the problem of poverty.
Therefore, it would be useless to blame rich countries for not delivering as much aids, as it is required while the causes of destitution are more local than international. According to an article published by the New York Times on May 14th, 2008, the International Monetary Fund, the World bank and other creditors declared that they provided Cameroon with 2,4 billion in debt relief for the progress it has made in improving the economy. Yet, still huge amounts of money and aids are needed. Of course, either for cameroon or any other developed nation, this financial help whould never be enough as long as being satisfied is totally relative to how fairly these loans are going to be distributed and used. I would agree strongly with the people who relate the caused of poverty around the world to the local and social corruption, bribes, injustice of some countries rather than to the lack of aids, the spread of privatization, or the endorsement of weapons production. Indeed, many of the developed countries themselves, give much focus to weapons production rather than to the real and urgent needs of their citizens.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Safety Vs Privacy on the Roads?!

According to a study published by the World Health Organization, the annual cost of road crashes is about 1% of the Gross National Product (GNP) in developing countries, 1.5% in transitional countries, and 2% in highly motorized countries. They might seem low percentages. Yet, who wants to be killed in a road accident? Who wants to hear about one of his relatives killed in a car crash? Therefore, they are still high numbers. Drugs, alcohol, speed are the most common causes of road accidents. Yet, when we hear that most of these accidents occur on small or damaged roads or by uninsured vehicles. It becomes clear that governments also share a huge part of the responsibility, if not all of it. Governments should pay regular attention to the maintenance of roads. Not only establishing a good network of roads should be guaranteed but also drivers and vehicles should be properly licensed. According to the World Health Organization studies most road traffic accidents’ victims are teenagers or early adults from 20 to 47 years old. To put it differently, they are people from the most active and productive age, which represent a serious economic loss to the community.

Governments may argue that they have done their utmost for the issue. It is usually due to reckless individuals that the problem continues to occur. Spotlight traffic cameras are the most of what the governments could do to protect people on the streets. Nevertheless, despite the ingenuity of this idea, still, it has a lot of drawbacks. Indeed, no one wants to be on camera at a stop light. It is a sort of violation of people’s privacy. Moreover, what will the highway patrol do if these cameras do their jobs. Some people argue that this new road technology is another source of profits for government. However, nothing is it added to the discipline of the roads. Therefore, in order to cope with the road accident problem, I think that if both parts the government and the people committed themselves strictly to the initial rules of the roads, cameras, which may raise many people’s anger and car crashes, which may take people’s life would have no existence.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Road Accidents in the Era of Technology

Every year, in many places of the world thousands of people lose their lives in a road accident. The error most of the time is believed to be human, either that of the driver or the pedestrian. However, if the accident occurs because of a hole in the street, should we involve the government in our blame too? One may argue that governments have done their utmost to protect people in the street. They even fix highly developed traffic cameras in the roads to prevent all types of mistakes. The question, however, to what extend does this technology contribute? Has it really decreased the percentage of road accidents and road rules violations? Don’t you think that it is reminiscent of communist behavior to control people’s privacy? The links above may give you some hints to help you develop your points of view.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pull Out The Roots, Addiction is solved!!!

According to a survey provided by a mental healthcare center on BBC News the 28 of April, 2008, self-harming is increasing among teenagers and adolescents either with means of punching themselves, burning, or self-poisoning. Alcohol, drugs, marijuana, cocaine and so many other types of plants are also other examples of addiction among both youth and adults. As for the reasons, national statistics show that violence, theft, child abuse, prostitution, divorce, job performance and accidents are most susceptible to drugs and addiction in its various aspects. The big question however, is how to fight the war on this “addiction”? Accordingly, are rehab centers enough? Are solving addiction programs as scattered everywhere in the world efficient? And if I should give up the drug that was once prescribed by the doctor, for fear I should be addicted to it, how about my intense perpetual pain? In sum is there really any effective means to win the war?

I think that whether a teen, an adult or an old, the main reasons for drug addiction are not drugs but how these drugs are provided or founded. Similarly, the main reasons behind addiction to self-harming are not due to social troubles, for these may happen to anyone, but to the one who shows these ways of destroying the body? The problem could not end unless its roots are eradicated. It might be a crazy for some people if one suggests stopping alcohol production or marijuana implantation. It might be offensive for some doctors to suggest using Chinese methods or psychological therapy instead of prescribing drugs that are apt to lead to addiction. And, it might be weird to suggest forcing a strong family control on teenagers or adults who are in a stressful period. Yet, as far as I am concerned these are the initial ways to prevent depressive people from falling into addiction abyss. Otherwise, some medical treatment might be efficient as well as some educational programs but, they could never solve the addiction problem as long as possibilities to be addicted are available.