Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Polygamism or Hooliganism?!

jeffs Rulon: 19 wives 60 children
In an attempt to find the most common characteristics between the three main religions:Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, Polygamy comes on top of the list. The history of the most favored men by God such as Solomon, Abraham, and Mohammed proves that all these people have married more than twice. Hence, what president of Cameroon, for instance, did when he legalized the right of man to have as many wives as he desires should not be considered wrong. Similarly, when Rulon Jeffs built a whole camp of polygamy in North America as he married about 19 women in name of God’s order should not be punished for that.
How ridiculous!!! How offensive to justify big mistakes within the means of religion, culture, or law. First, these people who use religion to legalize or even impose polygamy would better make sure if it is really God’s desire. Simply, when father Adam was created there was one Eden with him not many. Further, even if this practice was really allowed by God, it was usually restrained by certain circumstances. In Islam for example, a man can marry four wives. Yet, it is only when he is able to treat them equally. Do you think that there is one human being on this earth who is totally fair person? Personally I doubt, except of God. As for those who justify polygamy in the name of traditions such as in many countries of middle and Southern Africa, it is important for them to know that even traditions change and are open to new values. Women additionally are vital parts of life. So, imagine one day, the entire women of the world rebel against marriage even to one man, can you support that, you man who advocates polygamy? Again, I doubt. So, damn to these tradition where women are subjugated to this sort of hooliganism! Yes that is how we should describe polygamy: A type of moral, social and cultural violence against the rights and the dignity of woman.
The truth is that polygamy is neither legal nor legitimate because God is just and the traditions are always wise. In short, polygamy is just a system generated of the man’s selfishness, sexual companionship, and “ animalism”. Stop this crazy erroneous practice please!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Please Save the Kids of the World!!!!

It is ridiculous to hear about millions of organizations, volunteering groups, and government associations, all talking about Human rights; among which children rights, while in Vietnam, for instance, over 23,000 children are in the streets. They are objects to homelessness, sexual abuse, and drudge labor. The question how could this happen when we talk about children rights?! “ At the age of 14, Tham does not have a chance to go to school. She has to work to seek three meals a day. Her day begins at 5 in the morning and goes till 9 or 10 in the evening” reported an article under the title of Vietnamese StreetKids News on March 18, 2008. Actually, Tham's story is just a microscopic image of what is really happening not only in Hanoi but also in many other places of the world such as the U.S.A, Sudan, Colombia, and many other Asian countries.
It is shameful to see or hear about kids suffering. However, the shame becomes bigger when a powerful responsible body from the Center for Human Rights claims, “ It’s really a catalyst for action at national level. It provides universal standards—but there are ways it can be interpreted that can be suited to various cultural situations” (Published by the United Nations department of Public Information, December 1995). If I were smart I would understand that the United Nation Body is referring in the claim to some conservative aspects of some cultures where children are not enough aware about the sensitive parts of their body since it is a complete taboo issue to discuss in the family. He might also refer to some customs where children are always taught to obey the adults and never object when they are asked to do something. Nevertheless, these should not be enough reasons to blame the culture instead of the governments or the law legislators around the world. I would see this opinion an escape like for cowards. It is obvious that a solution exists for these tragic situations of our kids. For example, one may wonder about a law to punish those who dare employ a child before thinking about how to save this child. In short neither culture nor poverty is responsible. To protect a child depends totally on how much are we really willing to protect him.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Be Respectful Looking, and That’s About It.

In an article published on new America media on July 27th, 2007, under the title of Hijab Abuse in Tunisia, there too much critics of Tunisian policy as being an anti-religious country for banning the hijab. “ Police have ordered women to remove the head scarves before being allowed into schools, universities, or work places and others have been made to remove them in the street.” I would suggest to these people if they had the opportunity one day to visit Tunisia to make sure that there is no woman wearing headscarf. I would also suggest on them to make sure if women who are not putting on this type of clothing are unhappy with the way they dress. In another article published on the College Publisher Network, some women claim that hijab help them spend less time preparing themselves and save much more time concentrating on their jobs. It is ridiculous to think that Hijab helps women to think less about their beauty as they no longer need to spend time in front of their mirrors looking for the best looking before going out. I would say that with or without hijab, what mostly matter is to look respectfully as a woman in general.

What is undeniable, Hijab is required in Islam religion. What is deniable, Hijeb is not a criterion to measure a woman’s degree of religion. Tunisia has been always a liberal country. Yet, the reason why Tunisian women do not wear Hijab should never be linked to such a political tendency. It is rather due to the changes that Tunisian society is witnessing. It is basically due to the positive changes of the Tunisian woman status. To be a respectful Muslim woman, indeed, should not be bound to wearing Hijab. Otherwise we would consider all those who do not dress this way, in Tunisia or other Muslim countries as Egypt, Syria, or Lebanon bad women, which is not true.

If we were still living in the ancient era where women rarely showed up in the streets, the shopping markets or for jobs, it would be strongly reasonable to oppress women to wear Hijab when she appeared outside her house. Otherwise, men would look at her as an unusual creature, which might be even an a subject of some types of abuses However, being in an era and in a society where most of the deeds such as finding a job to help the husband with the expenses of the family, going to the market for the shopping, or taking children to school are done by women, it becomes unnecessary to oblige her to wear in a certain way and not in another. Islam has been always flexible to modernity. So, why women dressing is not addressed from modern perspectives too?! In short, Be respectfully looking, and that’s about it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hijeb: How, When, Why

"Hijab" or woman's muslim scarf as it is called by some people, is a critical issue in muslim arab world. Tunisia women have been always blamed of not following the religious traditions of wearing such a type of clothing. In the link below you will notice the extent to which Tunisia is rebuked because of such an issue while the relaity is completely the opposite. In Tunisia hijab is not an opression but is never abused. Wearing hijab or not in Tunisia is completely bound by the social circumstances of the people there and to a contamporary fexible and soft interpretation to the conditin mentioned in our religion which was, is, and will be always islam.

Here it is another link where you can realize that hijab is not an opression but also is not somthing that we should refuse. In this article, although few is mentioned about the woman's opinion of hijab in Islam wolrld, still the way woman dresses in Islam is not as important as her role in the family, at work, and in the society as a whole,. It's rather, to consider hijab as a personal issue; each woman should have the choice to wear it or not according to her personal convictions.

Global warming: Still an Abstract " Crisis"

Day in and day out, new lakes of water are emerging, mountains glaciers and the tow icy polars are melting, strong unusual storms like Hurricane Katrina are menacing the earth, and varieties of species are at risk of extinction. The earth is evidently in an emergency case. However, everybody is calling to be green.” Being green is all the rage with technology companies these days” (New York Times, July 4, 2007). When one asks about the cause of all these catastrophes, the most difficult answer to give is “us” human beings.

When money talks, human’s understanding of dangers such as global warming becomes dependent on how much his or her wage is rising up. Scientific research have demonstrated in more than once that human’s over consumption of gas and heat, the release of carbon dioxide, burning forests and other forms of environment pollution have a central roles in raising the temperature of the earth’s surface. However, because of their selfishness, some people are still arguing: Since dinosaurs disappeared naturally, why don’t we consider what’s happening to the earth as a kind of natural change too?! Global warming, therefore, seems to be always an abstract phenomenon. Unnfortunately, a lot are still unaware of its danger. Otherwise nobody would have thought in this selfish and dull way.

Although it is believed that dinosaurs’ extinction was caused by a giant asteroid crash into the earth, it is evident that the climate change of nowadays is due to a more dangerous asteroid called human being (Al Gore, May 31, 2006). Obviously, it is high time companies pretending to endorse the environment by planting trees or calling for green under the motto of “green movement” to stop this lie as long as they do not change their products type. Despite the efforts os some environmental organizations in addition to the interference of some prominent men in the world, such as Al Gore or Tony Blair, with programs and suggestions still a lot should be done.The earth is really in “crisis” while solutions are really available. Although it is hard to change one's idea by force unless he himself is apt to that, in the case of our planet earth critical situation, forcing awareness would be totally justifiable.